Most frequent questions & answers

We, in IGNITEDREAM, are connected to each other with the highest level of DREAM  to fulfill the dream of every other individual & organizations. 

We believe that DREAMER’S are the reason behind all beauty, prosperity & Innovation on this planet earth.
Our dream is to IGNITE the dream of others & to inspire them to convert their dream into reality
That’s why our company name is IGNITEDDREAM.

We at IGNITEDDREAM follow the philosophy of “GOING BEYOND” which always keep us ignited to Serve our clients in the best possible way. We always strive to show our excellence by GOING BEYOND the expectation of our clients.
We serve our clients by the 4D Process, which makes us understand the real issues, challenges & problems of clients  & give them the real & pragmatic solution which enhances the productivity & efficiency of workforce &  bottom-line results of their business as well.

IGNITE | INSPIRE | IMPACT is our Motto.  

Our Motto is our strength to IGNITE the dream of people so that they can get INSPIRED & thus they can create a greater & powerful IMPACT on this planet earth.

According to LinkedIn Global talent trends 2019 Report, our trends are transforming the corporate world in which The rise of soft skills” is standing firmly on the top of the list.
According to the Future of Jobs report, World  Economic Forum, Top 10 skills in 2020 are also falling in the category of soft, Behaviours & Management skills.

Company’s workforce must be ready to embrace the changes and armed themselves with the latest skills for leading organizations beyond competition & fulfilling the customers in the best way.
Looking at the above factors,  companies should be more inclined to invest in their manpower so that they can be the biggest asset to the company in the true meaning.

Our Leadership Program is dedicated only for all executives, business owners & Top management who wants to excel in  their leadership style.
This leadership program is meant to all those managers who are putting their step into the leadership.
In nutshell, the leadership program  is focused to develop the great & fine leaders across the globe.
Along with this our Corporate Program is focused on developing soft skill  and Management Skill mastery to make the people more skilled, competent & agile to embrace all changes & challenges easily.

In the word of Jim Rohn; “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going
In fact, Motivation is a tool which is used to inspire the human brain to perform their best in-spite of challenges or setbacks.
In Ramayana, Jamvant motivated Hanuman to make him realize his potential.
In Mahabharata, Krishna motivated to Arjuna to fight against Adharma
In the organizations, Human capital is the biggest asset which plays an important role in the success of any organizations. Managers and Leaders are trying to leverage their potential to fulfill the organizational need. The greatest challenge faced by many managers that they find the required skill in employees but they fail to inspire their will to perform any task.

In  IGNITEDDREAM  we focus on developing the whole ecosystem of human capital in which our youth & students are standing at the starting point of the journey. We are focused to empower & develop our youth in every aspect of their life.
The Institutional Program includes all effective training & powerful motivational talks which are sufficient to enhance their soft skills, leadership skills & life changing behaviors so that they can feel IGNITED & INSPIRED to create a greater  IMPACT in their & other lives.


Contains powerful and effective training programs in different areas of Leadership & management for overall development of people, businesses & corporates.

Are meant to ignite the inner & latent drive in every individual which can incredibly transform the people & thus they leverage their fullest potential

Helps all leaders & executives to achieve the excellence in their leadership & makes them agile to spearhead the competition & challenges.

Are dedicated for students & youth to ignite them for being ready & prepared before entering in real world so that they can explore the myriad opportunities & excel in them.